You wish to be admitted to the Université d'Evry ? Here is the admission process, depending on your level of studies.

To apply for a 1st year of Licence (L1): You must follow the Request for Preliminary Admission procedure - “Demande d’Admission Préalable” (DAP)

The DAP procedure is required for :

  • Foreign applicants holding a foreign secondary school diploma and applying of a first registration in 1st year of Licence (L1) - green or white files.

Are exempt form the DAP procedure:

  • candidtes from the European Union, the European Economic Area of the Swiss Confederation
  • candidates holding a French or European baccalaureate of a diploma under the binational certification system
  • students holding a scholarship from the French government, from an international organisation or scholarships from foreign governments which are managed by Campus France
  • stateless candidates, political refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection
  • children of diplomats posted in France who also live there
  • international applicants who can prove enrollment in a post-baccalaureate training given by a French educational institution the year preceeding the academic year for which they present their application
  • students wishing to apply in L2, L3 or Masters degree.


DAP procedure:

There are two types of files according to whether the student  resides abroad ('white file') or in France ('green file'):

1) You don't live in France : the 'white file' procedure :

- If you reside in a non-European country which uses the 'Etudes en France' - the list of countries is given below- you must fill in the 'white file' online via the Campus France website at  the following address : http : // www.'Country name' (eg.

Countries using the 'Etudes en France' procedure : Algeria, Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Burkina-Faso, Cameroon, Chile, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, United States of America, Gabon, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Lebanon, Madagascar, Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, Mauritius, Mexico, Peru, Russia, Senegal, Singapore, South Korea, Syria, Taiwan, Tunisia, Turkey, Vietnam.

- If you reside in a non-European country that does not use the 'Etudes en France' procedure : the 'white file' is issued by the Department for Cooperation and Cultural Action (SCAC) of the French embassy in your country of residence.

2) If you reside in France : the 'green file' procedure

If you reside in France, the 'green file' can be otbained from the registration office of any university.

For the University of Evry Val d'Essonne, please contact :
M. David PAULY
Admission of foreign students in L1 L2
Boulevard F. Mitterrand
91025 Evry cedex


The files can also be downloaded from the following links:


Their validity is the same as that of printed paper files. However, to be valid, the 'white file' or the 'green file' must bear the official stamp of the diplomatic post or the university (except in the case of electronic transmission through Campus France). It is therefore not possible to consider any application that has been directly sent by a candidate.

For both types of files, green or white, the candidate chooses only one mention (or major) but can select three universities in which they wish to study that mention :

  • if the first university rejects the file, that university sends it to the second one before 15th April
  • if the second university rejects the request, that university sends the file to the third university before
  • if the third university also rejects the request, that university informs the applicant directly before 8th June.


Calendar for L1 applications under the Request for Preliminary Admission (DAP) procedure

  • 15th November : applications begin for the following academic year
  • 22nd January : deadline to return DAP files


The French Knowledge Test (TCF - Test de Connaissance du Français)


If you apply for a first registration in Licence 1 in a French university, you must prove that you have a sufficient level of proficiency in French to follow the courses you wish to apply for. The B2 level is required for all the TCF tests.

A French Knowledge Test (TCF) is organised for foreign candidates before 22nd February by the International Center for Educational Studies (CIEP - Centre international des études pédagogiques).

The TCF certificate is not required for :

  • Nationals of a state where French is the exclusive official or administrative language
  • Students who have completed all of their secondary education in a French language institution
  • Students from French bilingual sections listed by the Ministry of Education
  • Holders of the Advanced Diploma in French Language (DALF) level C1 and C2
  • Holders of the French Language Studies Diploma (DELF B2)
  • Applicants who have passed the French assessment test (TEF) organised by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris (CCIP) and have obtained a score of 14/20 in writing
  • Applicants who already applied for a DAP in the past two years and thus have a TCF certificate.


For more information :

To apply to L2, L3 or in a Masters degree

The procedure is different whether you live abroad or in France :

You live abroad

1) If you live in a non-European country using the "Etudes en France" procedure (Studies in France procedure) - the list of countries is given below - you must fill in the application form online via the website of Campus France at the following address : http:// www. "Country name" (eg.

Countries using the "Etudes en France" procedure : Algeria, Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, China, Colombia, Chile, Comoros, Congo,Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, United States, Gabon, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Japan, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mauritania, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Mexico, Peru, Russia, Senegal, Singapore, South Korea, Syria, Taiwan, Tunisia, Turkey, Vietnam.

Please note : to apply for a Masters degree, the procedure is different whether you apply for an "Evry" or ESPE" Masters degree, or you apply for an "Paris Saclay" Masters degree.

- to apply for a Université d'Evry of ESPE Master programme : you must fill in the application form online via the website of Campus France at the following address : http:// www. "Country name" (eg.

- to apply for a Université Paris Saclay Master programme : in order to apply, you should follow these steps :

  • Consult the offered courses on the Paris Saclay website :
  • Applicants who are admitted into a Paris Saclay Master programme then have to contact by email the Espace Campus France of their country of residence. The email address can be found on "" . For example, an Algerian student will connect to " " to find the email address of the Campus France office in their country of residence.
  • You must use the following email subject line : "Admission University Paris Saclay". Campus France officers will help you complete your electronic folder for the visa application.


2) If you live in a non-European country that does not use the "Etudes en France" procedure, it is your responsibility to contact the secretariat of the department in which you wish to apply.

You can get the department contacts by clicking on the "Formation" tab on the UEVE website, then "Offre de formation", and then click on the programme you wish to apply for.

To apply for a second year of Licence, donwloadthe application file

3 ) Admission calendar for L2 through M2 if you reside outside of France :

  • January 1st : opening of the admission procedure
  • March 31st : Ending of the admission procedure

You are residing in France

If you reside in France, it is your responsibility to contact the secretariat of the department in which you wish to apply.

You will be able to get the contact details of this secretariat on the "Offre de formation" webpage, by choosing you programme of choice.

Admission calendar for the 2nd year of Licence (L2):

  • Beginning of April : admission file retrieval
  • Mid-June : submission of the admission file

Admission calendar for 3rd year of Licence (L3) through 2nd year of Master (M2) :

The calendar varies depending of the programme of choice.

Verification of your level of French : the Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF) whatever country you reside in (in France or abroad).
You must establish that your level of French is sufficient to be able to follow your chose study programme. The B2 level is required through all TCF tests.

You must give a certificate of your results to the TCF delivered by one of the Centre International Pédagogique (CIEP)-approved centers. The following students are not obliged to give their TCF results :

  • Nationals of a State where Franch is the only official language.
  • Students having done all of their high school studies in a French-speaking establishment.
  • Students who have followed a French bilingual programme approved by the French Ministry of National Education
  • Students having already passed the Diplôme Approfondi en Langue Française level C1 and C2.
  • Students having already passed the Diplôme d'Etudes en Langue Française (DELF) level B2.
  • Candidates who have obtained at least 14/20 at the written exam for the test d'évaluation du français (TEF), organised by the Chamber of Commerce of Paris.
  • Candidates who already have obtained a TCF certificate in the two years previsous to their admission request.

For any further information on TCF: